Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Me. . .With Him?

So the latest version of my saga called life now includes a new guy. Nothing serious, just talk. But from the beginning I convinced myself over and over again as to the reasons why this guy is not for me. I'll start with a few of the majors:
He's 25.
He lives in a small town about 20-30 min from Charlotte, his hometown, and ain't planning to go anywhere.
He's seriously looking for a wife.
He's a MINISTER. . .
The last one is the one that's got me bugging. I mean we all want a man of "like minded faith." That head of household, the man who knows God well enough to find you, you know that man that the Bible talks about. But at the end of the day. . .could you do it, could you date someone who thus far (as I can see it) is committed to HIM. I mean, no clubs, no "sips" of Patron, church almost everyday of the week. . .you get the point.
It's a lot and honestly a bit overwhelming when we had the first convo. I had crossed him off the list.
But then. . .he called back. . .repeatedly. At work today (oh yeah he has a job) proceeded to come into my "office space" 2 or 3 times just to chat, as I'm leaving we pass each other, I do my normal "2 fingers" and he's like hold on. No pressure points with any of this. . .just enough to think, maybe I shouldn't write him off before I give him a chance.
I just thought it was interesting. I had to "check" myself about my actions. I mean to any other chick, dude is probably a good catch. So I'm gonna do better. Not have the stank attitude, not send his calls to voicemail. Just pray for me yall.


Jenn Will said...

Ahh well he sounds nice.... He could be potential. Yeah, a man of cloth would be a bit daunting, but i'm sure you would be harder on yourself then he would ever be. It just feels like a lot to live up to early on. Thats the same way i feel about dating a J.Witness, i don't want to bring him down, or negatively influence him but I can't always be on my p's and q's...but that is a problem that is rooted in my own head and likely not reality.

Vickilyn said...

Yeah I feel more pressure than he does I think. It's a lot.

ebfareast said...

Here's my comment...you gotta do what feels right for YOU. (I feel like a broken record because I give this advice a lot) What I mean by that is...don't give him a chance because another woman would. Those apprehensive feelings you had might be that woman's intuition that everyone always talks about. You have good instincts...trust them.

jendayi said...

jenn and I have had this coversation many a times. yeah we want a man of God, but can he please be a bad boy too? a bad man of God? does that exist?