Saturday, October 13, 2007


This is probably going to reflect responses and more comments to my avid readers. . .

Jenn Will. . . Ummm . . .can we get an update or something? I mean if I see Sept 18th on ur blog again I may scream.

J.A.C. . .who is Thesis. He is an avid reader and responder on your blog. Just an observation. Does he live in the QC too? When are you moving? The ATL vs. CLT debate. Both are equally great places to be right now. It's moreso what you're looking for. ATL is getting a bit crowded and traffic will be similar (maybe not as bad) as LA. But the atmosphere has evolved and it's doing it's thing. CLT is still a baby city---it's new and is rising to its peak. Exciting place to be right now. It's changed a lot within the last 2-3 years. And it doesn't seem to have been affected by the mortgage crisis, there is still a steady stream of people coming in and out of the city.

So I got the book that the girl who writes -B-More Bap- recommended. "Get Yours" It's by the previous editor in chief of Honey magazine. And while I was the first to buy and put down some Iyanla Vanzant stuff back in the day (I just couldn't finish not a one of her books), this one by Amy Dubois Barnett is a bit different. MUCH easier to read. Not about the philosophical principles behind decisions. But more of a . . .this is what worked for me. And it was pretty good advice so she decided to share it. Easy read. I like it. And I'm probably going to give it as a gift to a few people in the next few mos.

I guess an update is necessary about Mr. Minister man. Okay so I've gone out with him. Put on a cute 'fit. . .lip gloss poppin'. . .and my wall up (I'm trying to get out of that habit). But he is/was determined to knock that thing down. At the end of the day, my hang ups weren't his and probably weren't warranted. Are we going out, laughing like crazing, talking on the regular. . .yeah. . . it's cool to be on an poppin again. So we'll see, you know that first 6 weeks are "honeymoon" times. Everything is cool, we're on our best behavior. And I know you're going to say, don't expect or look for the worst. But I am trying to be realistic in my expectations. Just living & loving life for what it has for me and all the possibilities! That's all!

Well it's my weekend to work, so I'll be MIA until Monday or so. I was supposed to respond to the emails about the workouts. Mine are still going strong. Spinning, jogging . . . just added so weights back. I HATE weights. If I could do cardio all day I would. But I know that's not realistic. I am trying to fit a "B-Risque" class into my routine. You know, learn a little pole dancing technique while strengthing my core. I need a fun class to add to my routine. I'm looking for a dance class maybe, but I don't know where to start.

1 comment:

jendayi said...

Thesis is a recruiter with Kelly Services Inc. He actually lives in Boston but gave me a Kelly Services contact in the QC. Yeah, I don't know what's going on with this move thing. I just want a job. That's all. Why is that so hard to come by? The recruiter I met with while in Charlotte said that it took him 6 months to find a job. =( I'm so discouraged. I just went to the City of Charlotte job page and printed out a whole bunch of stuff. I'll also try to get in touch with a couple of black women's professional associations and see if they have any leads. I'm just so tired V. So tired.