Thursday, November 01, 2007

Time Flies. . .

So it's been a minute. . . a new month. So it's time for me to say suntin'.
Things are going quite well in the QC. My job is going great. I've gotten excellent feedback from my supervisors, directors, etc. Which is always a good thing.
I'm about to renew my lease for 6 more months. I'm not really in the mood to go "househunting" again. I feel like I just moved. Even though I didn't have to pack a thing when I moved out here but still. . . it takes mental stamina.
Things with Mr. Man are going great. I'm happy to report. I think that's a contributing factor for things going well in the QC. He actually lives in a suburb of Charlotte so we don't get to see each other every second of every free minute that we have. Which is a good thing? (Makes the heart grow fonder) But it does infringe on my phone time. I mean back in the day I would sit on the phone listening to you breathe all night long. But now I'm like you're tired, cool, me too. . .holla at me tomorrow. No harm no foul. I'm mean I'm all for a good quality conversation. It's partly b/c of my job. I'm regularly paged or called for something. So the ringing of the phone gets on my last nerve. Tonight I met his daughter (his new puppy. . .lol). We bonded in case you were wondering. I think she gave her stamp of approval. Next comes the fam. Whew it's a lot. It's a different scenario now that I'm back in NC. I mean while in STL a man could technically hide out from my friends and family for a good 6 mos to a year. But both sides are asking questions and both sides are like aight. . .bring 'em out bring 'em out! I'll let you know.
Tomorrow is my BFF from HS's wedding/cruise/weekend. We're supposed to go to the Bahamas. But with all this hurricane madness who knows where we'll stop. Oh well. I've got my books, my bible, my journal, my IPOD, and my sunglasses. . .so I'm ready to relax. Shoot we could stay on the boat for the entire 3 days . . .as long as I can relax and have some good ol' chill time. I'm cool!


Jenn Will said...

OMG meet family-wowsers! That is an exciting development. I'm happy to hear that the QC is treating you well, and that things are progressing smoothly. That is always nice. I'm jealous of you going on a cruise, but I hope you have a lovely time and that the storm takes a chill pill so you can get your vacay on. enjoy and be safe!

jendayi said...

The QC is doing you well!!! You got a new man, the job is fantastic, you're in a beautiful apartment. What more could a girl want?!!!

I'm assuming you're back from the cruise by now? safe and sound!

Good luck on the family affair! I'm trying to get my baby boi to meet dad next month. (he's already met mom.) But it's been 9 months already so it's time to progress!