Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just thoughts. . .

So exercise affords me the opportunity to let things dance around in my head. So while in spinning yesterday, I was thinking about how much fun it was to go to the gym. .. in St Louis. Why is that, isn't Ballys still Ballys. So I started to think on my time there and what's different. When it hit me, things weren't always that way.
My 1st year in STL I was a pharmacy resident making about 1/4 of my salary now, with numerous projects/responsibilities and also working part time to make some more $$$. So that first year, I mostly worked, went to church, went to the gym here and there, had some Delta responsibilities, and traveled a bit more back and forth to the east coast.
Right after my residency, I bought a house. What did this do. . make me sit my happy tail down in the Midwest a bit more and grounded me a whole lot more. I think that's when I started developing my "crews" and I think I had a steady man in my life. Yeah that was Mr. . . well his name's no longer important. But he was a native of 'da 'Lou and knew the ins and outs, dos and don'ts so we did a lot of things. Gave me an appreciation for the MO and being there, etc.
Yeah I think a man definitely helps you settle into a new city. While I do have friends here in CLT, things have changed, we don't all like to do the same things and I'm not always excited about going out by myself. I mean there is no one waiting/expecting me at the gym. No class (other than spinning) that I look forward to. Just a building with some bikes and good music. No one is waiting for me on Saturday morning to go on a long run. . . so maybe that's why I turn the alarm clock off and roll over.
Last night there was a spoken word thing down in the NoDa district. I thought that would be cool, but I was thinking that none of the people who I've hung out with or talked to have mentioned this. Why don't they go? Just wondering, well I wasn't in the mood to do the solo thing so I kicked back here at the crib and chilled. It's okay to do sometimes, right.
So I said all that to say that my thoughts in the gym were good. It's okay to not have my social calendar jammed packed S-Sat. It took me 4 years to get all that in STL so why am I expecting so much more within 4 months. I actually sat down and wrote out a time line of the past 4 years. Truth be told, I didn't do much out of the norm for well over a year and a half after I graduated.
I related this to my generation and how we want things RIGHT NOW. Can't wait. Gotta have the big furnished house like our parents/grandparents had. Not realizing it took them 20-30 years to have that themselves (some of them). Gotta have the big body truck like they have, when hell they're almost 10 years older than us. Gotta have that huge savings accout for retirement (I mean it's important to save) but you gotta eat too.
So things are still good! It's okay! So yeah the man will come. I don't have to move out of my apartment tomorrow ( I only did a 6 month lease in anticipation for buying another house, but right now I just don't feel like it--I LOVE my location, just gotta get rid of the guy across the parking lot, too dang loud), and I don't have to go to every happy hour, party, or social event in Charlotte. I've got plenty of time.

1 comment:

Jenn Will said...

I feel this completely. When I grew up in the burbs of LA, I wasn't 21 so I didn't hang out. When i got back from law school it was like time to party, i had to hit every spot know every new opening and happening, the weekend started for me on wed night and went till early mon morning...Its been almost 2 years of that, and i'm beat! I've finally realized that I'm not missing anything if I sit my behind down sometimes. So give yourself some time to acclimate, you'll get into the Queen city groove in no time.