Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So this week I've had the opportunity (???) to reconnect with several past classmates, schoolmates etc. And I'm realizing as my "still true" friend from HS pointed out. . .it's okay to outgrow relationships. You don't have to feel bad for the sudden lapse in communication and you're not obligated to keep in touch when you do see them again.
So this past weekend I bit the bullet and visited a girl who I used to be really close to. But within the past I'll say 2-3 years we have grown apart. At this vist I realized why we no longer talk. It was the "air" about her as if she was steadily putting others down to put herself on or reach a pedestal. I mean everything I mentioned or suggested was shot down. And it seemed to me that I was only allowed in her presence 1) b/c I no longer live there, 2) live in the city of her dreams, 3) am a professional & 4) b/c she liked my car. Now I am not one to look down on myself at all and I do realize that my life is not the norm. But with that realization I know that things could have gone another way. And me looking down on others will do nothing for me. It's not my responsibility to try to change anyone if they are perfectly happy with their lives.
Second situation, so at my reunion, this dude from HS kept saying. . .dayum u look good, etc etc. . .(Thanks ;)) But ummm. . .no thanks. I"m not really interested in what you're offering up. 1st of all 3 kids, no wife, (nuff said). 2nd of all. . . did yall just go outside to smoke some weed. . . Okay you get the picture. But as result of writing my email down to update everyone's files, I got a random, wassup email from this dude today. . . Lord Lord Lord.
Okay so I finally succumbed to myspace and I've been quite pleased to be able to keep in contact with several old friends and acquaintances. But recently it seems like myspace has caught on in Eastern NC so I'm getting all these random "friend requests" from people who I never considered my friend. Ummm. . .are you serious? It moreso those being nosy b/c my page is "private" and only viewed by those that I add. But this girl who I have NEVER gotten along with sent me a message. . .come on now. . .be for real. Why? Let's not even go there. But I did get a message from this girl who I was always cool with, no harm no foul, so I let her in, and she was like girl you look Fab-u-lous (hence the title of this message). Thanks!!!!
My weekend all in all was as to be expected. Did I have a GREAT time, I can't say that. But it was what I expected it to be. . .I mean should you really have high expectations when it's a BYOB affair at a location named The Banquet Room, b/c there is no official name of the building. Just an old club that they rent out now. Oh well!
North Edgecombe High School of Science Math & Technology helped me to become all that I am! So hey I still gotta have a little Warrior Pride!


Jenn Will said...

I'm glad you got to go and reconnect. Its kind of nice to see where you've come from reminds you of how far you have come. Sadly sometimes seeing ppl from the old days reminds of that as well, it also makes you appreciate that you didn't caught up in "life" like some others did. I don't know why you surprised everybody all on yo jock (do the kids still say that?) girl you a big timma! :)

jendayi said...

big timma... lol.

glad you went and saw them old faces.

'fabulous' is my new word. i was watching Kimora's Life in the Fab Lane and I'm now addicted to the word. lol.

Vickilyn said...

Yeah I think yall should definitely try to got yall's reunion. A lot of people just brush it off and don't think twice.

Girl yeah Kimora has rubbed off on me too! Hilarious! I stopped and looked at some Baby Phat stuff (no buy of course) but I still looked to see if I could support.