Sunday, February 03, 2008

Meet the Fam'

So the day for boo-boo-skoo-boo to meet the fam came and went. Not all the fam but the criticals. My cousin and her family along with my mother. I sat back and observed like I was in the twilight zone. I mean my family has been dying to come here to meet him b/c they felt like they were missing out. But our schedules just did not permit. So we went to them! Talk about excited. I don't know who was more nervous him or them. I mean from my cousin talking about catering a meal to him and his many outfit changes. . .someone was bound to get on my last nerves. So the simple solution for what to do with our time. . .go support the kids. So we went to see my little cousin play b-ball with the church league. Man Who Knew! You would have thought this was the NBA playoffs. I mean with the cheating referees, the cursing from a few fans (. . .did I mention this was the church league. . .) it was str8 comedy. So at first he played it cool like ok this is cute. The next thing I know he's yelling and screaming with my family. I was looking like what in the world. . .
So then we went to have "lunch/afternoon meal" with the fam. Per Jordyn's request, we must play games after eating. So she pulls out like 2 or 3 games ready to go. I had agreed to play UNO but somehow those UNO cards never surfaced. We ended up playing some random "slap" imitation UNO game of which boo-boo-skoo-boo was able to make up some rules, much to little Jordyn's delight.
We were even able to swing by PF Chang to meet Adrienne and Brian. The two of them were super crunk. I mean excited to be out with two other adults! Hilarious!
All in all it turned out to be a great day. I mean there were a number of times that I just looked over at him and just smiled! Man! Who knew there'd be days like this?


Jenn Will said...

OMG that's so beautiful. This courtship (as my mama would say) is so heartwarming! My heart is literally 4 degrees warmer then it was before I reas this post. :) That's great that all went well!

jendayi said...

Awwwww! I love it when it's going so well! You don't hear these kind of success stories anymore!