Sunday, June 03, 2007

3 weeks and counting

So it's been a total of exactly 3 weeks since SB and I connected. Strangely enough I feel like we've been talking for a VERY long time. I think it's kinda weird though. Are things supposed to go like this if you don't see each other everyday. . .every week. . . shit every month so far! I mean we talk about any and everything. Nothing in particular but when it gets to when you're talking for hours, I think that's a good sign. I'm really trying/wanting to go to STL next weekend. I'm going to call Air Tran or US Airways to see if I can hop on a flight for cheap. My friends who do the last minute things say that it's best to call w/in 24 hrs of the flight. So Friday I'm going to call the morning of.
It's late on a Sunday evening and I'm not really tired. I mean I "KNOW" mentally that I should be in the bed, but I took a 2 hours nap this afternoon so I'm up. Can't really call SB right now, his plan is to go to the gym in the morning before work at 530 am. . .pretty admirable for someone who can't seem to make it to work at 8am. But hey he says he's going to do it.

I really need someone who's been in the relationship world w/in the last few mos or years to tell me if this is normal. Should I be feeling like this, thinking about someone so often?
What should happen now? What should we be doing? Should we have a running checklist of things to talk about? I tell you it's so much to do.
Who would have ever thought that I'd be wanting to go back to visit STL. I mean I was running out of the city. Craziness. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways. I'm just going to have to trust his plan and go with the flow for real!
So I'm starting to adjust to Charlotte. I still don't have a "crew" of people to hang out with. A girl named Nikki who I met while I was here before contacted me b/c James told her I was back in the QC. So I'm going to give her a holler and see what she's been up to. Oh. . .I was supposed to call Reecy a few weeks ago. Ooops. . . She wants to do dinner. Maybe if I don't go to STL this weekend I can hook up w/ some peeps that I haven't seen in a while. So much to do. . .so much time!

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