Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Okay so people really give "O" a hard time. They are quick to criticize her shows or what she's doing. But I REALLY like her. Yesterday she had a segment about complaining and how a church in KC has been doing an initiative to stop complaining in their church for just 21 days. So it got me to thinking about the complaining that I'd been doing over the past few weeks. And how I'd been saying that I know God is going to bring me through. . .but this is when I want him to do it. So yesterday I sat on my couch and though. . .what nerve I had! I am a FIRM believer in the goodness of the Lord and KNOW all that He has done for me. My biggest downfall is that I tend to try to "take things into my own hands" and help God plan things. How nice of me right! Go figure! I know I had ABSOLUTELY nothing to complain about. Personally, I am financially sound/happy with the way things are going in my life. Professionally I have a great job, pays me well, if I need/want another job, I should not have a problem finding one. I can work in ANY state in the US and very easily have my pharmacy license transferred to another country if I wished. Health wise. . . I couldn't be better, I'm training for a half marathon on April 15th. I completed 11 miles last Saturday. Family is doing great . . . relationships have been healed, they're still supportive. Friends. . .got too many to keep up with and even found some that I'd forgotten about. So what do I have to complain about. . .I still have a house that I can pay ALL my bills on time and still have some money left over. I have a GOD who has ordered my steps long before I the ideas have been presented to me! What do I have to complain about?


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