Saturday, April 18, 2009
I have been on my own since 2003 and prior to that I lived on campus. . .and NEVER in my mind has the thought of cleaning a baseboard come up! Who does that? Well in talking with my sweetie he informed me that his mother used to come home from work, cook a meal, and clean all the time. . .Ummm in 2009 that's on a whole 'nother level. I can't do it. So in my effort to stay on top of things, my friend Sherrie said she's started making a task board, Kesha said she makes a menu for the week so she can mentally know what she's going to cook before she leaves work (this is to avoid the daily trip to the grocery store that was creeping on me). . .so I have done what. . .Tried to incorporate both of those in addition to many other "pearls" that successful wives have given me. B/c truth be told all marriages aren't happy ones and you gotta be careful who you let poor into your life.
So this morning I sent a text to my friend & fellow wife Crystal encouraging her to do something "sweet" for her honey today. And it can be anything. . .I went for a run (again trying to keep it tight) and decided to clean up a bit. . .so my text to her motivated me to try to figure out what else I can do for my hubby. . .Cleaned the bathroom (check), dusted (check), dishes in dishwasher (check), laundry in dryer (check), change the sheet (check). . .and I was like what can I do to finish it off. . . Baseboards. . .now how to do you clean those again?
Since my training during my residency included the internet and its many uses. . .I went straight to good old google. . .and looked up "How to Clean Baseboards." And voila. . . . . . seems pretty simple and might even be a quick job (I mean I don't have to do the entire house do I?) only the important places right now (downstairs). . .But it's 12:05 and the one thing not included in my completed tasks for today is food. . .so ummm. . .I'ma go get some lunch and THINK about cleaning the baseboards maybe later or on my next day off!
Monday, April 06, 2009
Who's that girl?
I officially got my M.R.S. degree. . .the one that the vast majority of the females at UNC-Chapel Hill came to school to major in but me I had no clue. So it's a little later than some but well worth the wait!
Married life is GREAT. . .work. . .but such a blessing. I am finding daily that it's like salvation. . .it's takes a whole renewing of your mind. And it doesn't come naturally but you have to continually work at it, remember your promises, and remember the expectations/rules/guidelines/scriptures (whatever you want to call them) that come with this new profession.
In my new role, I have found myself reaching out more to those "successful" women. I mean we all know someone who's married, but let me talk to those women who've been married more than a year, more than 5 years, more than 10. . .shoot let me holla at both his grandmother's who've been married for 50+ years! Those chicks know the real deal.
It's so many things that happen "after the party" that you don't even think about.
- What's he gonna eat for dinner - at first it was cute to cook for him but now. . .umm that might be your responsibility
- Why is this hamper full AGAIN? Didn't I just empty it out entirely yesterday morning?
- Lingerie. . .it's cute but dang is it reusable. . .it's adding up in the laundry! How many wears can you get out of lingerie? Is it like the jeans situtation in college when you realized that you only wore them to class and back?
- Got a new mamma/dad. . .whew I gotta fit in calling her a bit more. . . what do I have to say today?
And the list I tell ya. . .grows!!! It's quite comical and when you talk to someone who's been there you gain an appreciation for their wisdom and experience. And when you talk to your girlfriends who's on their way. . .you can give them a laugh but not even near the preparation that they might need!
All in all I'm ecstatic though! I would have never thought all of this would transpire in under 2 years since I listened to HIM. When I sit back and think about my life and how things have changed so rapidly when I truly listened. . .moved when HE nudged me, got the job that HE showed, all by listening to the the man up above. I am so thankful, humbled and awed by how He has blessed me.
Well the pictures are up. . .but I think all my faithful followers are on facebook so they got the link. I'll post some honeymoon pics tonight (hopefully) when I can get back up here to blog!
I'll be back!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Go Shawty . . .
Today is my 29th birthday and I am too crunk about this weekend! My fiance', my beloved, my sweetie. . . my Boaz treated me like a royal queen this weekend. I am dog tired! But smiling all the while!
So he has been contemplating about this weekend for quite some time what I would like. For his birthday . . .08.08.08 we went to Orlando for that week and wrapped it up with a romantic night at the Melting Pot.
Honestly, I wasn't too excited about going away again b/c it's been a lot going on but whatever he plans I'll be fine. Even if we have just a quiet night in hugged up. . .I'll be cool.
Wednesday night I learned that we weren't going out of town, surprisingly! I then found out that my "big" gift was having delivery trouble and he faced the store clerks out b/c he needed it . . .period! But Friday he let me know that after we went to our cake tasting, he'd drop me off b/c he needed to "handle" my gift.
So he only requested that I like sexy and fly! BET. . . so I went and got me a FLY dress and if I do say so myself, I was the bomb! He scoops me up, we drive to Mccormick and Schmicks. And then we go in and are sat by a table of about 7 black men. At which that point, William decides that okay they are staring, we need a private booth/table. . . .Told yall I was cute!!!!! We move and have a great evening.
So then after dinner he says okay do you want one of your gifts.. . I'm like YEAH!! So we drive to his house where I stumble upon my very own "room" in his house. He had moved his couch out the room that we deemed my scrapbooking room. In it he'd gone out and found me a WONDERFUL craft table, shelves, mirror, pillows, throw. . .basically decorated my very own space in his house! I mean the room and decor is AWESOME but the act was more powerful than anything else.
Saturday and today were great, I got wonderful cards, another night out, dinner, and a gift card!
At this point I am grateful about the blessings in my life. B/c truly it could be another way. I have had men to come and go. Men who I thought treated me well. Men who I knew who didn't give a darn about me. . .But with this man I make it a point to let him know and show hin how much I truly appreciate him. I make it a point DAILY to let God know that I am truly grateful to HIM for thinking enough of me to bring me him.
It's a great day! I mean 2008 has been a wonderful year thus far. I look forward to the future! My future and all that it's holding for me!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Long Time No See!!!
So let's see what's been going on! 1st off I have been sooooooo tired. . .my job has/had put such a stress/strain on me that I was feeling like I was in that hospital 24 hours a day, and all 7 days a week. This week was especially crazy b/c it was a full moon. . .and for those in health care who've never paid attention, do so next time. People lose it with a full moon. . . It's bananas! But alas. . . thanks to my God who answers prayers. . . today I got a brand new job offer! Yes sirree I applied for a transfer within the system to the rehabilitation center (right next door to the hospital) and got the offer today. It's amazing b/c it was just last week that I visited, and went for a casual/impromptu. . .that turned out to be an interview chat with the pharmacy director and got the call from the corporate recruiter today. AWESOME. What this means to me. . . NO NIGHTS AND WEEKENDS LIKE BEFORE. Well technically. . . specifically I will be back to my 10 hours days (ie 4 days per week) with every 7th weekend I'll be on call for some dosing. Which requires about 2-3 hours out of your day on that weekend! I am HYPED yall! I mean don't get me wrong, I loved inpatient, excelled at it, gained a lot of knowledge in IV drugs and Critical Care (ie. . .ICU/Trauma/Surgery etc) but the schedule was killing my poor body. Not to mention that I have a man who is a minister who wants me with him --- particularly on Sundays. So it was literally starting to feel like I worked 6 days per week b/c my Sundays have been no longer mine. No more going to the early service, out to eat, then back home by 1, then taking a 2-3 hours nap, then eating dinner about 6/7, with my hot bath/relax time that night. . . Naw Dawg!!! GONE!!!! And we're not even married yet (. . . yep I said yet ;). . . so I ain't there for everything. JESUS. . . I just have to remember that your grace is sufficient. At least this professional change will help. I was quite shocked at how understanding my director/manager were. I say honesty is the best policy, so I was up front with them from the very beginning. . .and as a result. . .they helped me find/support what's best for Vicki! So I'm excited.
My love life is great. . .we're settling in to our routines. He's still blowing my mind. It's so crazy how even the smallest things make me grin so hard. One day, we went to the park to walk the dog, saw some swings and decided to try them out, then went for ice cream. . . I was like Man this is a freakin' movie! I'm staring in my very own love story!
So it will be a month with me being in Charlotte on May 7th. Can you believe it? I mean time flew. But all in all the QC has been what it's cracked/hyped up to be. . .at least for me anyway. I feel blessed to have been led and heard God's direction for my life. I'm truly ecstatic about the future. Not sure of all it has to offer me, but hey I'm open!
Monday, March 03, 2008
LOL. . .

So we went to dinner. . .a surprise b/c I had no clue. . .to the House of Jazz here in the QC. It was a nice place and they had a select menu that evening for this special day. So we sat amongst other couples, young and old. . .looking good. . fresh and fly! So we're talking having a great time and I'm a little upset b/c I got a "gag" gift. . . that I didn't like. I tried to be the little sweet girlfriend who is okay with anything. . .but I couldn't hold it in. So he's fiddling around and saying I can't believe u didn't like ur gift. I'm like it's okay, dinner is expensive, the flowers all that. . . it's really okay. I'm trying to console him and he's laughing inside at me. So I'm minding my own business and look away. . .and Voila. . .what do I see. A little Blue box!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Happenings. . .
So I celebrated Valentine's Day for the first time in ummm. . . 3 years. . . WOW. That's a long time isn't it. The last V-day I celebrated I was dating a guy who worked 3rd shift. . .so there was actually no V-Day celebration on V-Day. So when this year rolled around and it wasn't even a question as to if we'd be together. . .that morning I woke up in a tizzy. So I had gotten a gift. . but forgot about the ding dang card, forgot to put in something red, white, or pink, forgot candy (do guys do candy). . . and that morning I was still wondering, do you "dress up" for this holiday, if you have absolutely no idea where you're going. It was str8 comedy when I sit back and think about it. . .but I made it through yall. . .WHEW!
This past weekend, the families met and merged. I mean it was so much hugging and nice to meet you going around, it was insane! They all really like each other. Who knew it would be like this? I would not even have guessed that such a thing could truly happen.
Went to a couples' dinner at Brio. And Brio is one of my all time favorite restaurants, even though it is a chain. But man I love it. In St Louis it was nothing for me and my girls to meet at Brio on a Friday night and chat it up over lobster bisque, calamari, chocolate desserts and Peach Bellinis for hours and hours. I had not been literally since the weekend that I moved away from STL. So naturally I was excited.
So Brio is in the South Park area of Charlotte. And maybe it was the tint of my skin, the thickness of my lips. . .I dunno. . .but it was the most horrible service that I had ever received. I mean this was the first time for some of the couples dining in a place like this. . .and now. . . unfortunately, I'm sure they won't go back. I mean when you see a large group of "us" why does it cause mass confusion, why is there an automatic 'tude from this little waitress. Why do they try to play you like you're dumb. . . oh no my friend, you have come up against the wrong one. So while I'm fuming, trying to ignore the subtle rude remarks. . .my cousin Kim is worse and on it. . . before I realized it chick had already talked to the manager and handled it. Pretty soon we had all 3 managers at the table, along with the 2 waiters giving me the service that I was paying for. I tell ya. . . it's was a dog on shame! And just because they were rude, I didn't even tell them that they'd left my lobster bisque off the ticket. . . Take that!!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Weekend. . .
Tomorrow it's back to the J-O-B. . . work is really for the birds. I mean don't get me wrong things are going very well for me at CMC. . .but man I don't like my schedule. I have to work some nights this week and then this weekend coming up. Scheduling sucks. . .but I guess this is the life of a hospital pharmacist for now. . .